Have you ever struggled to manage complex test data productionprocesses?
Do you want to see the test data production process at a glance from Ato Z?
Thenthe 'Multi-site Testing InstitutionProject Manager’
can be a perfect personal assistant for you!
Ourself-developed software called 'Multi-site Testing Institution Project Manager’acts as a liaisonbetween
various testing institutions (GLP and N-GLP) in South Korea andthe clients.
This service ensures that clients can conveniently receive testdata by offering a one-stop solution
for testing-related tasks, from quotationtasking to receiving test results, of course including monitoring
and occurredrequests.
Basedon the strategic partnerships with reputable testing institutions within SouthKorea,
we produce over 2,000 test data andregister more than 200 substances annuallyunder K-REACH.
Withthis know-how accumulated through numerous work experiences,
we are confidentthat you will never regret using the 'Multi-site Testing Institution ProjectManager’!
Let’stake a look at the four most powerful competencies:
1.Easily Write a request form and check requested substances
üEasilysubmit a request for a substance for which you want to produce test data through the request form
on the program.
üEasilyaccess the status of the list of substances you have requested.
2.Real-time progress stage can be checked for each requested test
üIntuitivelycheck the progress of numerous test items.
SafetyAssessment Solution
Service start date 2023-09-22