Toxicity data production& Evaluation
Safety Assessment Solution Co., Ltd. is a specialized organization in producing hazardous chemical (GLP) and risk assessment data.

Utilizing the nation's leading testing institute networking, we are producing the most efficient and cost-effective hazardous chemical (GLP) and risk assessment data. By using our own development tools we can produce hazardous chemical and risk assessment test data to shorten the period of production of test data and reduce the cost to the client.In addition, we will provide you with the best quality data by reviewing and verifying the completeness of the test report through professional manpower.

Also, various opinion statements written on the hazardous chemical data related to registration of chemical substances are provided as follows.

Opinion statements ontest exemption and technical support using properties of substance

Opinion statement of Peer Review Group in each specialty

Opinion statement ofcorrelation analysis (Read-across)

※ The written opinion statement is cross-validated through our cooperative advisory committee composed of the best experts in the related field.

How much is the total cost? Is it beneficial to register?
Could it be that we do unnecessary testing or duplicate production?
What is the total duration?
Would the planned registration schedule be completed on time?
Would the schedule be managed as planned in external consulting agencies?
In the event of an issue of substance properties, does communication take place quickly?
Would issues of specific properties of the substance be communicated to other testing institute?
Could it be resolved when the testing of difficult substance is delayed?
Is it possible to get a high-quality test report and finish the registration well?
Is it possible to monitor well when abnormalities occur or if my substances are difficult to test?
Few special questions for you
How much do you know about the toxicity and physical properties of the substances your colleagues or company handle?
Don’t you just get a registration notice by just requesting the external consulting agencies for the substance name and CAS No.?

There is no testing institute where all test items required for chemicals control are available.

There is no specialist who will be in charge of chemicals test control in all local inspection agencies.

There are few testing institutes which are experienced in chemical substances, in comparison with medical substances and pesticide.

There is deviation resulted from different history, know-how and holding amount of test items of each testing institute.

When you come along with Safety Assessment Solution Co., Ltd.!

  1. 01. We will build a test design that can be used as registration data during the test request process.

    We, Safety Assessment Solution Co., Ltd., have many experiences in safety evaluation of chemical substances.

    Based on deep understanding of the K-REACH, we have a lot of experiences in various registration tasks.

  2. 02. We will connect you with the most suitable testing instituteto meet the properties of
    each substance and planned registration schedule as much as possible.

    Based on our experience working with several CRO organizations in Korea, we will connect you to the most suitable testing institute that meet the conditions
    of the physical and chemical properties of the substance you request and the registration schedule you have planned.

  3. 03. We can completely solve the risk management measures for the handling substances.

    It becomes possible by using the service that can monitor the whole process from production of hazardous chemical data to registration.

  4. 04. We will meet all four factors of cost, schedule, communication, and test quality.

    We will solve all through the patented 'ALCHEMIST' of Safety Assessment Solution Co., Ltd.